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Cooper, S. M., Thomas, A., Harty, J., Garrett, S., Cryer-Coupet, Q., Burnett, M., 

McBride, M., Pate, D. (2023). Honoring foundational Black psychologists' contributions to research on Black fathers. American Psychologist, Pages 535-550.


Thomas, A., Gale, A., & Williams, E. (in press). Depression among Black Americans. In

R. Boyd, B. Chu, E. Hayden, & D. Pizzagalli (Eds.), APA handbook of depression. American Psychological Association.


Thomas, A., Gale, A., & Golden, A. R. (2023). Online racial discrimination, critical

consciousness, and psychosocial distress among Black and Latino adolescents: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52(5), 967-979.


Thomas, A., Jing, M., Chen, H. Y., & Crawford, E. L. (2023). Taking the good with the

bad? Social media and online racial discrimination influences on psychological 

and academic functioning in Black and Hispanic youth. Journal  of Youth and 

Adolescence, 52(2), 245-257.


Walsh, T. B., Thomas, A., Quince, H., Buck, J., Tamkin, V., & Blackwell, D. (2023).

Black fathers’ contributions to maternal mental health. Archives of Women's

Mental Health, 26, 117–126.


Thomas, A., Assari, S., Odukoya, E., & Caldwell, C. (2023). Efficacy to avoid violence

and parenting: A moderated mediation of violence exposure for African American urban-dwelling boys. Development and Psychopathology, 35(2), 838-849.         


Thomas, A., Wirth, J. C., Poehlmann-Tynan, J., & Pate, D. J. (2022). “When she says

Daddy” Black fathers’ recidivism following reentry from jail. International

Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3518-3542.   


Del Toro, J., Wang, M. T., Thomas, A., & Hughes, D. (2022). An intersectional

approach to understanding the academic and health effects of policing among

urban adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(1), 34-40.


Cooper, S. M., Thomas, A., & Bamishigbin, O. (2021). Black American fathers

employed in higher-risk contexts for contracting COVID-19: Implications for 

individual wellbeing and work-family spillover. American Journal of Men's 

Health, 15(2), 1-11.


Del Toro, J., Fine, A., Wang, M. T., Thomas, A., Schneper, L., Mitchell, C., Mincy, R. B., 

& Notterman, D. (2022). The longitudinal associations between paternal        

incarceration and family well-being: Implications for ethnic/racial disparities in health.

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 61(3), 423-433.


Thomas, A., Assari, S., Susperreguy, M. I., Hill, D. E., & Caldwell, C. H. (2020). Age-

specific mechanism of the effects of family-based interventions with African 

American nonresident fathers and sons. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 



Thomas, A. (2017). Our throw away children: Extending and developing cognitive

behavioural therapy interventions for high-risk populations in the Caribbean.

Caribbean Journal of Psychology, (9)1, 72–96.


Thomas, A., Caldwell, C. H., Assari, S., Jagers, J., & Flay, B. (2016). You do what you

see: How witnessing physical violence is linked to violent behavior among male 

African American adolescents. Journal of Men’s Studies, 24(2), 185-207.


Thomas, A, Caldwell, C. H., Jagers, R., Flay, B. (2016). It’s in my hood: Understanding

African American boys’ perception of safety in their neighborhoods, 44(3), 311–



Thomas, A., & Hope, E. C. (2016). Walking away hurt, walking around scared: A

cluster analysis of violence exposure among young Black males. Journal of Black 

Psychology, 42(5), 453-476.


Thomas, A., & Kohn-Wood, L. P. (2015). Chill, be cool man: African American men,

identity, coping and aggressive ideation. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority 

Psychology, 21(3), 369-379.


Dr. Thomas delivers lecture at 18th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin
Dr. Thomas speaks on panel at 18th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin
Dr. Thomas receives LIFE Outstanding Alumni Award, presented by Dr. Toni Antonnuci
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